Dev Team,

I am very nearly completed on the setup of freedos. all I need now is the
network card, its in the mail. :)
But I can copy floppy by floppy if I have to :)

I am very interested in helping. If you have any tasks that you need done,
even if it is unglamorous.
I'll take it. :)

Not sure how one applies for this or what you need from me.

I have been programing for 15 years.
I have done a great deal of windows programming but not dos, ... yet
I can code C & C++ but not Assembly, ... yet.

Willing to learn/do whatever. I am very interested.

Need someone interested and willing to mentor the dos programming stuff I
don't know.
I know that adds a little work and your time but the pay off will be worth
your time, promise.

Adam Norton
aka theMouse
Freedos-devel mailing list

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