lyricalnanoha schrieb:
> On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Michael Reichenbach wrote:
>> lyricalnanoha schrieb:
>>> On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, Michael Reichenbach wrote:
>>>> Christian Masloch schrieb:
>>>>> If you want to learn about (16-bit) DOS kernel stuff, first get the RBIL
>>>>> (Ralf Brown's Interrupt List) and the source of DOS-C (mostly C) and Udo's
>>>>> Enhanced DR-DOS kernel (Assembly). (You might as well get the old RxDOS
>>>>> 7.1.5 Assembly sources but oh well.)
>>>> ...and the sources for MS-DOS also.
>>>> -mr
>>> I thought nothing usable besides the io.sys, sort.exe and sources
>>> from DOS 3.3 had turned up...
>>> -uso.
>> No, even MS-DOS 6.0.
>> Also source for xcopy and so on.
> I said *usable*, as in compilable.

I haven't tested to compile as I am to lazy to setup a build
environment, the older the software the harder it seams to get the build
environment. No idea if it needs some dependencies or so.

However, it looks pretty complete, even emm386, dosshell etc. included.

>  (Naturally, though, this knowledge 
> would taint someone from doing equivalent code for FreeDOS, which is one 
> reason I don't get into the kernel even if I understood how the heck that 
> stuff worked in the *first* place.)
>> Besides even io.sys would be great becuase it's the bible as it's the
>> whole kernel.
> No... that's MSDOS.SYS, which exists only as OBJ files.

Uhm, as I am only using MS-DOS 7.1 due to FAT32 I've forgotten that
msdos.sys is only a text file in 7.1 but was a code file in 6.22.


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