Hi Jim and Geraldo,

of course I agree that exFAT should be accessed using the
network redirector or CDEX interface: It would be too large
to be in the kernel, should not be carried around with the
kernel all the time and should be kept separately for the
case that there are licensing issues. However, all of this
has been mentioned earlier in this thread. Geraldo, I know
that you did not receive the first few mails here by mail,
so please go to the freedos-devel web archive to read the
earlier mails, including useful links to code and info. For
example VMSMOUNT for VMWare drives is a nice DOS driver :-)

Cheers, Eric

>> So, what do you think?
>> what is the svn link to checkout the freedos kernel code? [...]

> If you decide to write an exFAT implementation, I ask that you *not*
> put this into the FreeDOS kernel directly. Rather, this should be
> implemented as an external driver. As others have already pointed out,
> there are patent concerns with this. [...]

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