On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Antony Gordon <cuzint...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With regard to the development environment, Jim has posted somewhere that the 
> general development tools are OpenWatcom and NASM. I personally have found 
> OpenWatcom a tad bit overwhelming because of all that it can do. If you are 
> more familiar with the Borland C compilers, you can use those, however, I 
> would STRONGLY suggest gratuitous use of conditional defines and such to make 
> the code more compatible for the final OpenWatcom build.

Yes, you are referring to the FreeDOS Spec, from the FreeDOS Wiki:

*Programming languages*

We prefer that all FreeDOS programs be written in either C or
Assembly. Certainly all FreeDOS "Base" programs (those programs that
reproduce the functionality of MS-DOS) must be written in either C or

Use of any language when writing extensions is implied, although we
strongly recommend that you stick with either C or Assembly.

*Programming tools*

Our reference C compiler is OpenWatcom C. (Borland C 3.1 was
originally chosen as the reference standard because this is the
compiler used to build the FreeDOS kernel. However, it is preferable
to use entirely free tools to create FreeDOS.)

Our reference Assembler is NASM. (Microsoft MASM was the original
reference standard because of the general availability of
MASM-compatible assemblers, but NASM is now the preferred tool.)

This does not mean that everyone must use these tools to contribute to
FreeDOS. That would be counterproductive, as many users may prefer
other programs. Rather, this means that any C code must be compilable
on OpenWatcom C, and all Assembly must be assemble-able on NASM. Good
programming habits such as wise use of #ifdef statements will allow
you to do this.

If you are working with the kernel, FreeCOM, Install, or Mem - these
projects are hosted in the FreeDOS source code repository, and you
should use Subversion to manage this code.

OpenWatcom is the reference compiler. That doesn't mean that all
FreeDOS projects must be written in OpenWatcom if they are written in
C, just that we prefer that C programs should compile on OpenWatcom.
If you use a different compiler, that is your choice, but it would be
great to be able to compile all FreeDOS programs with the same
compiler. Wise use of #ifdef's will help with this.

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