Instead of filling out a binary country.sys by hand, you might want to 
use localcfg.exe - much more reliable. It will produce a country.sys file 
with all the parameters you wish.

Of course, all this is pointless if your program won't listen to country 
preferences anyway.


On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 22:57:47 +0000, Denis St-Lau wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> vDOS is very nice. Unfortunately also blocked with Dir-command related
> issues with my program (file dates in style 2-10-98 intead of 02-10-98).
> I posted a topic on their site. I also found they not support
> modification of the global Country setting (locked to 1).
> About VMWARE and VMSMOUNT. I think it's nearly equivalent to what we
> have at work with Microsoft VirtualPC. I didn't try sendkeys automation
> through this heavier layer but I will give it a try if I cannot use vDOS
> and DOSBOX.
> Eric, I found you are author of MODE.COM !! To set the codepage I added
> this in my autoexec.bat:
>        DISPLAY CON=(ega,863,)
>        MODE CON CODEPAGE PREPARE=((863) %dosdir%\cpi\ega9.cpx)
> I don't know how far I can follow you in the TSR trail to get country
> informations but I'm interested to learn at least up to the next
> obstacle :-) I filled the table you showed to me, if it's not taking too
> much of your time:
>> Offset  Size    Description     (Table 01399)
>>  00h    WORD    date format [2 Y-M-D]
>>  02h  5 BYTEs   ASCIZ currency symbol string ['$'.. so I imagine it is
>>  24h, 00h ?] 07h  2 BYTEs   ASCIZ thousands separator [you want this
>>  to be 20h, 00h...Yes]
>>  09h  2 BYTEs   ASCIZ decimal separator ['.' = 2E, 00h ?]
>>  0Bh  2 BYTEs   ASCIZ date separator ['-' = 2D, 00h ?]
>>  0Dh  2 BYTEs   ASCIZ time separator [':' = 3A, 00h ?]
>>  0Fh    BYTE    currency format [not relevant for you? probably not,
>>  answers bellow]
>>                 bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces
>>                 decimal point
>                           [I would say No, do
>                           not replaces decimal
>                           point]
>>                 bit 1 = number of spaces between value
>>                 and currency symbol
>                           [I would guess 1
>                           space]
>>                 bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes
>>                 value
>>                         1 if currency symbol
>>                         follows value
>                           [Not sure but I would
>                           guess bit 0 =1]
>>  10h    BYTE    number of digits after decimal in currency
>                   [not relevant? maybe not but I would
>                   say 2 digits]
>>  11h    BYTE    time format [you say you want 24h time, so make this
>>  1--Yes]
>>                 bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock
>>                         1 if 24-hour clock
>>  12h    DWORD   address of case map routine [could point to RETF
>>  opcode]
>>                 (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to
>>                 upper case [>= 80h])
>>  16h  2 BYTEs   ASCIZ data-list separator [not relevant? who uses
>>  this?]
>>  18h 10 BYTEs   reserved [so not relevant for you by definition...]
> To answer your question about our old MS-DOS program: We have used it in
> MS-DOS and winXP-win32 console only. It is described at
> <>. There is not so many users since it is
> addressed to a very specialized domain. Only the newer Windows version
> is supported by the maker.
> Thanks, Denis
>     Le Dimanche 19 février 2017 8h39, Ulrich Hansen
>     <> a écrit :
> Am 18.02.2017 um 23:22 schrieb Denis St-Lau <>:
> Without the DOSBOX kernel, we don't have the "mount" command and we
> constantly have to mount/unmount the DOS disk image from the GNU/Linux
> or Windows host (or use FTP networking) to exchange data. This is
> tedious and the disk image gets corrupted if simultaneously mounted or
> written on by the Host and the DOS.
> Yes, you are completely right about that.
> But please take a look at a new project: „EtherDFS“ by Mateusz
> Viste. If your host is running GNU/Linux,
> you can start EtherSRV on the host and EtherDFS on your DOS guest.
> On the host go to the directory, that EtherSRV is mounting. Share it
> with Samba to your Windows clients.
> That’s it. You have now what everybody wants: A network disk in FreeDOS,
> shared with everybody in your LAN, and still 618 K conventional memory
> free.
> The only downsides, as I see it:- At the moment EtherSRV will change
> timestamps of received files to the actual date and time.- On VirtualBox
> a guest with EtherDFS can not reach (yet) an EtherSRV running on a
> machine outside the host.- EtherSRV is running on GNU/Linux only.

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