>>>> More tests: http://jafile.com/uploads/dos386/perftest.txt
>> unless dos386 describes what program(s) he used on what hardware
>> to produce these results, the data are useless :(
>>> ...you can try first writing some dummy data at where the file
>>> will end, then close it and re-open (without truncate of course)
>>> and do the actual copy. That should bundle the FAT updates and
>>> increase performance significantly :-)
>> just did exactly this (for command.com) COPY.
>> unfortunately performance remains the same.
>> for a single drive (that is able to read ~43 MB/sec), using
>> a copy buffer of 60K (Freecom default), copy performs
>> roughly identical, even if the file is pre-created.

> Please explain. You compiled a modified version of the built-in
> COPY command of command.com?
I inserted

static int BIGcopy(FILE *fout, FILE *fin)
        startTime = *(unsigned far *)MK_FP(0x40,0x6c);
             /* allocate destination file at start
                a) might make copy faster because fat entries
                   can be allocated once
                b) if destination is full no need to copy
                   many megabyte
        currentPos = lseek(fdout, 0, SEEK_CUR);
        if (currentPos == -1l)
                        // can't seek
                dprintf(("can't seek errno %d\n",errno);)
        else {          
                if ( currentPos > 0xffffffffl - toCopy)         // currentPos + 
toCopy > 0xffffffffl   
                        {                                           // outfile 
too large  ( > 4GB )
                        retval = 2;
                        goto _exit;
                dprintf(("change size %lu\n",currentPos + toCopy);)
            if (lseek(fdout, currentPos + toCopy-1,SEEK_SET) == currentPos + 
toCopy - 1)
                        if(DOSwrite(fdout, " ", 1) != 1) 
                                retval = 2;
                                goto _exit;
                lseek(fdout, currentPos, SEEK_SET);
                        // end of preallocation code            

        while((rd = DOSread(fdin, buffer, size)) != 0) {

into copy. c

> My suggestion was to pre-grow the
> file, not only pre-create it. Something like, ca 2 GB example:
I would prefer code to suggestions.
use your keyboard to write code, not emails ;)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind regards
Tom Ehlert

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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