Op 1-8-2011 15:35, c...@bttr-software.de schreef:
>> "K2040D2011-07-31C32F16B"
>> "K2041D2011-08-31C16F28W"
>> C is CPU (16 aka 8086 or 32 AKA 80386)
>> F is FAT (16 or 28)
>> W and B are compilers (or is Boreland now dead ?).
> +1
> Extend that CONFIG area at the beginning of the file, that's left
> uncompressed anyway.
> Providing the build and version information on an exclusive API for the
> currently running kernel would be useful too. Currently, there's a string
> with some 21.33Fx (.33FD ?) API, but that's just a string (difficult to
> parse; format changes happen), and then, 21.3000 returns the (low byte of
> the?) version number in cx or bx or somewhere, but that's unreliable
> because 21.30 is often intercepted and modified by version faking
> software.

In typical pre-Y2K-style I'd suggest:

K  --> kernel
40 --> kernel 2040 (to 2099)
11 --> year (to 99 so 2099)
07 --> month (01..12)
31 --> day (01..29/30/31)
  0 --> 086+ (valid options [0,3] for 086+/386+)
  6 --> FAT12/FAT16 (valid options [6,7] for filesystems that MSDOS 6/7 
W --> Watcom

Slightly cryptic I guess. Also not listing used UPX options, compiled 
kernel options etc. Ultimately all this stuff is simply developers' 

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