OK.  Back to the standard development kernel.
config.sys still has himem.exe and emm386.exe.  No

Boot floppy without running FDISK.  Reboot Linux.  Partition table normal.

Copy it to the floppy this time!  :-)

Reboot FreeDOS from floppy.  
A:>  fdisk

Displays a bunch of garbage after (Y/N).  No [Y], no characters I can
find on my keyboard.

Try <ESC>...advances to next screen...garbage after Enter choice:
Try <ESC>...back to prompt.

Reboot...I didn't like the looks of that.

This looked normal.

A:> fdisk
[Y] <return>
[4] <return>

No partitions defined.

Restore the disk partition again.  I suppose I could check and make
sure that it's emm386 instead of himem, but I hope this gives
y'all enough information to debug this.  I also DO NOT feel like
trying this on any of my other computers!

Meanwhile, personally, I don't recommend using FreeDOS FDISK!  :-(


> Hello, all:
> OK, on my "haunted" HP laptop, I am going to try another test.
> I just ran the Linux FDISK...it warns:
> "The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 3648.
> There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
> and could in certain setups cause problems with:
> ...
> 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
>     (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)
> It seems to work.  
> I have now created what I believe to be the simplest
> possible FreeDOS boot floppy:
> I downloaded the development kernel, command.com, and
> sys.com from www.fdis.org/kernel.  Ran sys.com from WindowsXP
> and copied the FDISK.exe file from the Beta9SR1 CD into the
> root directory.
> Booting the resulting floppy (on a USB floppy drive).
> FreeDOS kernel version 1.1.35w (Build 2035w-UNSTABLE, Jul 20 2005)
> [...]
> Warning:  partition Pri:1 FS 04 has CHS=  2-11-8, not   1-254-63
> C: HD1, Pri [ 1], CHS=  0-1-1, start=   0 MB, size=16 MB
> WARNING:  partition Pri:4 FFS 06 is not LBA
> Please run FDISK to correct this - using LBA to access partition.
>  start 3584-0-1, end 3646-254-63
> D: HD1, Pri[ 4], CHS= 3584-0-1, start=28113MB, size = 494 MB
> [...]
> Enter new date (mm-dd-[cc]yy):
> OK, this looks OK.  Reboot Linux and run their FDISK again.
> Still looks normal:
> Device          Boot     Start       End     Blocks       ID      System
> /dev/hda1                       1           3    16384        4      FAT16 
> <32M
> /dev/hda3        *           17     3584    28657936  7      HPFS/NTFS
> /dev/hda4                 3585     3647      506047+  6      FAT16
> Reboot haunted HP again.
> Enter returns at date/time prompt.  Get to A:> prompt.
> Reboot Linux and check fdisk.  (Booting Linux from CD).
> Linux fdisk shows the same.
> Reboot FreeDOS.  Return at date and time prompts.
> a:>  fdisk
> [...]
> Do you want to use large disk (FAT32) support (Y/N).[Y] <return>
> Free FDISK Version 1.3.0   DEBUG
> Enter choice:    [4]  <return>
> Damn.  Appeared to work.  Shows a reasonable table.  <ESC> <ESC>
> Reboot Linux and check.  Fine.
> Reboot floppy several times with no problems.
> Replace kernel with DEBUG kernel from the same page.
> Reboot.  FDISK still normal.  :-(
> OK.  Go and download emmx204.zip and copy emm386.exe and himem.exe
> to the floppy.
> Create a config.sys on the floppy:
> device=a:\himem.sys
> device=a:\emm386.exe noems x=test memcheck vds
> A:>  fdisk
> ...  [Y]  <RETURN>
> [4] <RETURN>
> Now, that's interesting...
> Mark
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