Hi All,

Thanks for the excellent help with my questions. I'd just like to clarify things:

I'm not saying that FDISK _should_ create anything automatically, I was just surprised that it didn't. The other thread implied that running FDISK without a valid MBR would cause creation of one, but Eric has now explained there's a difference between a valid MBR and an MBR that contains a valid "program" - two different things...

In this context it explains why my tests did not reflect the issues discussed in the other thread about FDISK and the MBR. The question that therefore remains for me is this:

Q: Let's forget Ontrack, EzDrive, DDO and Linux for a minute. Let's say we buy a brand new hard drive that's a clean as you can ever get, and we want to install a DOS or Windows operating system to it - we haven't decided yet. What is the correct procedure for getting a "working boot program" into the "valid Master Boot Record", and who supplies this program? Is it Microsoft, Intel??

I now realize why I have not experienced this very often. Most computers arrive with XP pre-installed, and I have to FDISK them to get rid of it, but those drives STILL HAVE an MBR right? I never really thought about it before now. The drive I took out of it's bag today was one of the few drives I get to play with that have never been used...

Eric Auer wrote:

replace on disk error is dangerous, replace-on-missing AA55 is something FDISK can ask the user in interactive mode, or batchfile can do FDISK /MBR.

I wanted to make ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that nothing must ever automatically
do FDISK /MBR with as only exception a CUSTOM install disk for unattended
install on known-empty / known-not-to-have-any-useful-MBR-program systems.

What does the MBR of an empty harddisk look like? any dump program for saving it to floppy?

Buy a new harddisk and do:
or do:
dd if=/dev/thatharddisk bs=512 count=1 of=mbr.bin
in Linux

how to act on fresh *empty* disks? it should result in an MBR created as it's necessary for booting the computer.

Whether the current MBR PROGRAM is working is as hard to decide as whether
you have a boot virus in there. Far beyond the scope of FDISK.


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