Hello all,

   I tried to install FreeDOS 1.0 on the same partition  (C:)  as
   Win98SE using metakern, but ran into the following problem.

   Here's what I did:
   0. Installed FreeDOS on C:

   1. With Win98SE active, I booted from win98 cd and typed:
      > sys c:
      > fdisk /mbr
      (Using the Windows versions of sys and fdisk)
      to restore the Windows boot sector.

   2. Checked that, indeed, that worked and Win98 booted  instead
      of FreeDOS.

   3. Dumped  the boot sector with  two  programms:  bootmgr  and
      fdisk (included with FreeDOS):
      a) bmWin98SE.bot      b) fdWin98SE.bot

      Upon that I compared these files using the cmp utility  and
      they turned to be different!

   4. Then I booted from the FreeDOS cd and followed the instruc-
      tions for metakern:
      a) copy /b metakern.bin + metaboot.bot + bmWin98SE.bot
      b) SYS C:
      c) SYS C: /K metakern.sys

   5. After reboot the metakern showed something like this:
      1. FreeDOS (chained to kernel .sys!)
      2. Unknown operating system

      Pressing 1 booted FreeDOS, but #2 invoked the same menu:
      > Booting sector 2... kick
      and the metakern menu appeared again.

   6. Then I replaced bmWin98SE.bot  with  fdWin98SE.bot  (as in
      step 4) and tried again. This time the  second  bootsector
      wasn't listed at all!

   Now I have no idea of how to make it work... Please, help.

Thanks in advance,

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