Hi Christian,

>> Well, 170000 lines of Assembly and 5000 of C,
> It would interest me where he stated these numbers.

He did not. I just did unzip -p the-sources.zip *.a* | wc :-)

> Who will ever be able to understand and update Georg's host driver?  
> Certainly not anyone except him, since it's closed source.

The interface is well-documented and you write software
for Windows, Linux, DOS without reading their source, too.

> I'm not interested about that. Even if Georg's drivers are faster,
> I trust Bret's work more

Why that?

> What do you mean by compatibility?

Support for most different USB controllers and USB devices.

>> If they both give access to the packet layer (the Georg
>> Potthast one does, afair) through their APIs in some
>> way, it should be possible to write a wrapper: Then you
>> could use device drivers made for one of the 2 USB stacks
>> with the respectively other USB stack :-).
> I would prefer if a single host driver would become a standard - making  
> such wrappers, which could potentially cause a lot of bugs, unnecessary.  

If X gets more popular than Y, we can give Y a wrapper to
provide the API of X. That is what I meant.

> By what I've read from Bret's documentation, the wrapper thing might be  
> impossible anyway - Bret's host driver is designed for interrupt-driven  
> background execution. (Since it's modular too, meaning that the main  
> module only contains the host driver, the specific device drivers for  
> things such as disks and pen drives have access to the USB packets using  
> the API.)

Apart from IRQ support (good idea) the modularity is similar in both.

> Last time someone provided a "FreeDOS special licensing" (I'm thinking of  
> 4DOS) it wasn't really accepted. Why? Because "FreeDOS" seems to imply...

I think the 4DOS case was some sort of misunderstanding which later
got clarified into a more universal license.

> It doesn't state that it has XYZ's license, but the provided explanation
> clearly states how the programs are meant to be  used.

Okay, still XYZ license is a good thing to have :-)

>> All of these programs, as well as their documentation and source code,
>> are freely available to anyone who wants them.

Maybe add BSD or Artistic license then :-)

>> You also cannot distribute the programs, documentation, or
>> source code and charge (even indirectly) for their distribution.

Similar to shareware days - do not charge for distribution.


PS Johnson: SOME examples are in Basic, some are in Assembly or
even Pascal or C. You can use any language of your choice to talk
to the well-documented closed-source USB stack to support the USB
devices of your choice :-). The stack and some of the drivers ARE
small because they ARE already written in ASM. Just some of the
examples are in BASIC maybe because that could be easier to read.

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