
>> I have used fdisk to partition my drive at like a 100mb

> A full install probably needs much more than that...


tells about this:

> XHARBOUR (a free CLIPPER clone, 8 MB) needs the OWATCOM
 > package: That package needs at least 30 MB disk space.
 > Other large packages are FPASCAL (free Pascal, 31 MB),
 > KRAPTOR (11 MB), Image MAGICK (8 MB), free DOOM (21 MB),
 > and VIM (consists of several packages, ca 20 MB). Without
 > those packages, installing all other (more than 200) packages
 > of the FULLCD needs less than 100 MB disk space.

 > For sure you can manually install a much smaller amount, but
> I'm not sure how customizable the "old" installer is.

In the old installer, you can select all packages for
all categories manually, but of course if you want to
do that, you have to toggle lots of checkboxes. Default
is as far as I remember to install whole categories.

 > (Jim Hall's already been rewriting it lately.)

The new installer is less interactive, I think. People
have 100s of MB free on every USB stick or SD card...

However, you are of course welcome to do a BASE install
and then use FDPKG to install a few selected non-BASE
packages manually later. Actually you can install most
of the packages simply by unzipping them with any unzip
tool into your dos directory (e.g. C:\FDOS or FREEDOS)
and you can download and copy them in any way you like.

>> Another error I have come across is if I try to format the
 >> drive it fails saying something like drive sectors
 >> not 1, 4 , 6, 16, 32 etc but 0.0 kb

>> I don't know the exact error it returns with result 4.
 >> And I don't know if these are related

Looking in the FreeDOS FORMAT source code, you may mean:

 > FATAL: Cluster size not 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64k but...

When you use FORMAT /D (debug mode) it will return error 59
which is more fine-grained than error 4, and show more info.

It is possible that you needed to reboot after fdisk and
before formatting. Another typical problem could be that
your drive is not a real sector based drive at all. Yet
at least in DOSEMU, FORMAT would notice that on time and
show a more useful error message than just about clusters.

If you try to FORMAT in a non-DOS operating system and the
target drive is not FAT but e.g. NTFS, similar confusion
could occur. If you can already access a drive, you should
not format it again anyway. In particular, if your DOS FAT
drive will be on a multi boot system, you can let existing
other operating systems format the drive to FAT in a safer
way and then just let DOS install to that prepared drive.

You should have a look at the FORMAT /D output if you want
to try using FORMAT again and want to find out what failed.
Then you can also report more details about the problem.

Good luck!

Eric :-)

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