Hi Santiago,

> Update: I installed easily the NDIS2 drivers for my card, then the packet
> driver wrapper. mTCP is working perfectly.
> Right now, I am trying TCP's MS CLIENT 3.0 to connect to the SMB share
> through TCP/IP.

Nice! Maybe you could email a summary of how you did it?
I mean what you installed and which config files you had
to edit in which way to make MTCP work via NDIS etc :-)

> The SMB share is actually a Dlink NAS, I can use NFS too, but I have to
> install some modules before. I'll try a little more for SMB and then try
> NFS.

Interesting. I assume you can also access the NAS via FTP or even HTTP?
Samba sounds okay for me, but of course the choice between MSCLIENT and
the ported Linux Samba command line tool smbclient is not that big :-)


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