James Collins said:

>I looked at lynxbat.bat and the batch files says:
>set HOME=.
>set wattcp.cfg=%HOME%
>so is the batch file expecting to find wattcp.cfg 
>in the current directory?
 It is telling lynx to search for wattcp.cfg in the 
current working directory. Note that (at least for 
the version of lynx I use), it should have been
 set wattcp_cfg=.\
with an underdash, not a dot.

>I copied wattcp.cfg to the directory where lynbat.bat 
>is, on my computer it is c:\fdos\lynx 
>I know wattcp.cfg is on my computer at
>c:\fdos\bin, that is where I copied it from
>should I edit the batch file to reflect this, 
 The wattcp_cfg variable shall point to whatever 
directory your wattcp.cfg file is in. Note that
the file wattcp.cfg is rewritten at every 
restart of the connection.

>the %, confuses me. 
 This is to tell DOS it shall replace the name between 
the % signs with the environment variable so named.

>I just tried it right now at the c:\ prompt-
>c:\fdos\lynx> lynx
>c:\fdos\temp\: no such directory
  Did you type the "greater than" sign between
the first and the second "lynx" in the second
line above or c:\fdos\lynx was your current
directory and the sign was part of the prompt ?

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