On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 01:12 +0200, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
> Op 3-8-2011 0:51, Jack schreef:
> >
> > Re: my 25-Jun-2011 gall-bladder removal, the hospital has
> > finally sent a $960 bill for my "co-pay" (amount not paid
> > by my medical insurance company).   I sent a check today.
> you missed a 'good' opportunity to visit Europe :)
> Youtube lists some documentaries, guess Michael Moore's "SICKO" movie as 
> well. No comments on that movie hehe, would form a 100-responses thread.
> All in all healthcare here in Europe is pretty decent and affordable, 
> despite waiting lists for some stuff and costs/contributions rising 
> quite fast. Yay privatizing things and insurance companies becoming a 
> man-in-the-middle.

Assuming the doctors don't misdiagnose you or use antiquated medical
techniques and technology, Europe is great.  This is a good time to
point out that Obama who supposedly fixed medicine in the USA hasn't
fixed anything.  Here's a thought, break up the pharmaceuticals so
there is more competition and lower prices for medicine.  Another
thought, give the health care dollars to the states and make the
states responsible for administering them.  For one thing, many of us
don't want: suicide, birth control, or abortion coverage.  Yeah, suicide
coverage is where national health care is heading.  Never mind the
morality of doctors killing their patients, suicide is cheaper.

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