Op 14-10-2012 0:31, Rugxulo schreef:
> There are some people who seriously wanted such a thing for FreeDOS,
> e.g. some random dude on OS News when FD 1.1 was announced. So I guess
> he'll finally be glad, heh.

 From what I've noticed it's a big binary, likely due to including 
wattcp and perhaps also a decompressor. I've not experimented with it, 
got stuck reading the little amount of documentation that's present.

I'm surprised Mike didn't bring up the suggestion of making it 
MTCP-compatible and thus perhaps also smaller.

>> FDNPKG allows to install packages both from network repositories and
>> from local *.zip packages.

Installing from local *.zip implies the ability to run the program 
without a package driver present. Not everyone has a network interface 
card, and even if they do, there aren't always packet drivers or shims 
available. Easy alternative would be adding a public domain or 
opensource dummy shim so local use is possible.

>> It supports multiple network repositories - this allows anyone to create
>> (and host) his own FreeDOS packages repository (we could imagine
>> internet FreeDOS repositories with old shareware games, or DOS ports of
>> specific opensource projects, etc...).

Can a directory be specified? Creating a local config file with
loc1 = x:\cdrom\loc1
loc2 = x:\cdrom\loc2
seems easy enough to do from a batchfile.

> While this is still pretty dang cool, I can't help but halfway think
> that a lot of times it's just easier to host / post / hoard self-made
> patches (aka, plain text differences or build scripts) than actual
> binaries + full sources + whatever. It's just lighter and easier
> (sometimes!) to make people build their own.

Getting documentation on how to setup environments for source code 
management, packaging and even just getting simple diff/patch programs 
is still a nightmare.

> Do you have packet driver emulation enabled in DOSEMU? I never did
> understand how to get that working (to say the least). Hence my only
> recent experience with working packet driver is inside (buggy)
> VirtualBox.

I'm curious also. Emulated cards in emulators are the least of worries. 
Connecting virtual network cards to real networks seems like a horrible 
configuration issue.

>> P.S. I've also done some packaging & repackaging work, and created a few
>> FDNPKG repositories for FreeDOS, containing some development tools,
>> FreeDOS BASE packages, utils, etc (they are all referenced in the
>> default FDNPKG configuration file, so you can browse them using "fdnpkg
>> search").

Much appreciated.

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