I noted that FDNPKG is using WatTCP - I don't see that as a problem.  
While I prefer mTCP and I think it has many advantages (speed, size, bug 
fixes, etc.) WatTCP works well enough and people are comfortable with 
it.  I also have a slight bias, so I am trying to be objective. ; - 0

The "offline" repository problem seems as though it should be easily 
handled - if the TCP stack does not initialize, it should return a bad 
return code.  That way the main program can continue if desired.  mTCP 
does this correctly - is the WatTCP program doing something anti-social 
like calling exit and killing the program outright?

Regarding the makefile errors - I do not compile in DOS.  My preferred 
DOS machine is an 80386DX-40 and compiling using OpenWatcom crushes that 
machine.  It is far more productive to work in Windows or Linux and 
cross compile for 16 bit DOS.  I was unaware that there was a problem 
with the makefiles - I am willing to simplify them to make them work 
with OpenWatcom under DOS if there is a need, but this was the first 
time I have heard that there is a problem.  (I am also willing to modify 
FDNPKG to use mTCP as an experiment if there is a possibility that it 
might use mTCP long term.)


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