
UPX appears indeed in two repositories - IIRC I've put it into both 
DEVEL and UTIL, since it seemed to fit both..

Of course I am interested in your isolinux image, although I don't fully 
understand the benefits of using isolinux versus a 'normal' floppy 

To create the FDNPKG CD I use mkisofs, and feed it with a raw image of 
the boot floppy I prepared:

mkisofs -input-charset cp437 -b boot.img -iso-level 1 -f -o all_cd.iso 

Could you tell how I would use your solution, and what improvements it 


On 07/28/2013 07:19 PM, Bernd Blaauw wrote:
> Rugxulo schreef op 28-7-2013 0:55:
>> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/cdrom/uide/
> Yep, that includes XMGR
>> Latest of this is actually 2013-05-23 :
> Oops, didn't notice while browsing the archives.
>> Again? I don't remember, but yeah, you could argue it belongs in
>> "UTIL" or somewhere else. Dunno, doesn't matter I guess.
> There's a LISTING.TXT on the 400MB CD, generated by some script. It
> mentioned UPX a couple of times.
>>> Watcom: most recent?
>> 1.9 has been latest stable for three years now. I haven't been
>> following their latest progress, so I don't really know much about it.
> 1.5 was listed in above textfile, guess that's the last one Arkady made.
> Thought you had a more recent archive for v1.8 or so.
> Anyway, I got a 2MB ISO file ready of which the content can be added on
> top of the 400MB CD. ISO recreation necessary. It also acts as an
> isolinux-demonstration. I'll mail it to Mateusz if he's interested.
> Old method of bootdisk-emulation also still possible, I don't know by
> which software the 400MB ISO was created and using which parameters for
> that. Anyway, had some fun modifying the bootdisk part slightly :)
> Bernd

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