1º. Undelete command.
2º. Boot with a Linux Live CD (like knoppix), some distros include TestDisk and 
PhotoRec. It is very important that the restored files will be placed in an 
alternative storage, not in the original, media. If files have not been 
overwritten (i think DOS mark first name character as ? for avalable in FAT) 
there is possible to recover.
There is also a versión for DOS: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk

3.º Under Win exists Recuva easy to use: http://www.piriform.com/recuva

Sorry for my bad english.


El Domingo 10 de noviembre de 2013 13:46, Karen Lewellen 
<klewel...@shellworld.net> escribió:
  I have no idea why my partitions would be fat 16.    my machines are 
Pentium III, and I have ran the augmented edition of dos 7.1 on them since 
at least 2008
what I mean is that there are two different files now, in the same 
directory, that I wish to restore.  I honestly cannot remember the last 
desktop computer I  owned with fat 16 partitions.
I shared the size of one file, the other might be about 12 k or so.

On Sun, 10 Nov 2013, Eric Auer wrote:

> Hi Karen,
> what I meant is that Microsoft bought a version of
> DEFRAG and UNDELETE from Norton, so they are from
> older versions of Norton Utilities. There was no
> complete Norton Utilities included with MS DOS...
> What do you mean by "there are two files now"? Is
> the partition with the overwritten file FAT32 or
> is it FAT16? Are there two files to be recovered?
> Or do you mean one overwritten by a second file?
> I did understand that your file got (partially?)
> overwritten when using xcopy. However, I do not
> know how big the two files involved are. Also, I
> do not know if the overwrite happened "in place"
> or if the old file is still elsewhere, deleted,
> maybe visible to undelete but maybe not visible.
> If the new file was larger than the file that you
> want to recover and if it now uses the same area
> of disk as the damaged file, damage will be worst.
> If the disk area did not get reused by that new
> file and did not get reused by anything else, the
> damage will be smallest, but you still have to
> find the contents. As said, undelete might know
> where it is, but maybe it cannot know. Then you
> have to search by hand. The safest option is to
> make a diskimage (e.g. to a borrowed extra disk,
> if you do not have enough space on yours) and to
> spend some time searching for the contents in a
> safe, read-only way.
> What type are the two involved files? Text? How
> big are they? Which partition types are the on?
> Do you know parts of the to be recovered file,
> so you could search the raw disk if necessary?
> Regards, Eric
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