
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 4:49 AM, Mateusz Viste <mate...@viste.fr> wrote:
> About FDISK incompatibility: I am getting an error message "Error
> Reading Hard Disk: Function number of drive not permitted". Is it what
> you end up with, too? If so, then it appears to be a problem only if you
> run FDISK from the emulated A: drive. Of course it is still a problem,
> because the all_cd is supposed to be booted on a clean (non partionned)
> hdd, and allow to create partitions... Seems to be some limitations of
> FDISK (or maybe some vbox quirk again).
> My suggestion would be to use xfdisk instead (it comes on the bootable
> CD already, and it's also available as an installable package). xfdisk
> seems to work fine with virtualbox in my limited testing experience.

FD FDISK worked for me just now (unreleased MetaDOS floppy image), but
I'm loading a fairly spartan setup, so it's lacking a lot of drivers
and complex stuff. I only created a small (100 MB?) .VHD image, but I
seemed to be able to use it successfully.

Try again, or at least be more specific what format and size you're
trying to use.

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