Yes you could setup Nanolinux that way. I cannot estimate the footprint at 
the moment but it could be less than 14 MB.

I will see if I can come up with such a version.


>I, for one, would be very interested to see a text-mode "small" Linux
>that boots up an instance of DOSEMU instead of login on the first
>available virtual terminal. (I'd put a regular Linux login on the
>second VT.)
>This would provide an interesting "sandbox" to run Linux on new
>hardware. It would remove issues with hardware compatibility on newer
>I don't know how small such a thing would be, but since it doesn't
>require a GUI (Nanolinux uses FLTK instead of X) and "only" needs to
>support DOSEMU, I imagine it would be quite small, probably smaller
>than the 14MB for your Nanolinux.

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