Hi Mister or Miss Beitrag ;-)

> What about Enhanced DR-DOS by Udo Kuhnt?
> http://www.drdosprojects.de/

It adds some filesystem features to the kernel, yes. Most
extra software which came with DR DOS is not enhanced in
that distro, often not even included, as far as I know...

In general, it is a very good question: Which components
from which other DOS would you add, because they give you
features which are better than the FreeDOS counterparts?

> I honestly think that DOSBox, ScummVM and maybe a VM like VirtualBox
> is the way to go here. FreeDOS, or any other DOS, is not /ready/...

I would not call that a problem of being "ready". Modern
hardware can do stuff that nothing for DOS ever needed:

Multi core CPU, huge amounts of memory, very high screen
resolution with hardware accelerated 3d and video edit,
fast wireless network, solid state disks with support for
fast concurrent writes and so on. For me, this "implies"
that you should not "bore" your hardware by only running
DOS on it. Instead, you can do many things in parallel,
while having one or several DOS windows open inside your
non-DOS host operating system. Nothing in DOS is made to
run multiple programs in parallel on multiple areas of a
graphical user interface. Even if you would add features
to DOS to support that, none of your old DOS applications
would know how to gain from any of those features anyway.

So this is not a question of DOS being READY for modern
hardware. In the same way, you could ask the question if
a hammock is ready for a modern 500 passenger airplane.

Of course you CAN put a hammock in the plane, but it will
never use the full feature set of your plane ;-) And if
you make a 500 passenger hammock, it will just be weird.

Cheers, Eric

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