On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> Interesting. When I replied to the email, I did check the website links. The
> links to SF were broken with a message from SourceForge. But I just checked
> again, and things seem back to normal. So that's good! :-)

I'll be curious to see what happens if Jose tries again.

There have been *many* changes in the JavaScript language since FF 2.X
was released, aside from changes in FF itself.  There are a variety of
sites that won't work correctly because the JavaScript the site uses
contains constructs that weren't in the language when FF 2 was
current, and the site will complain because even though JavaScript is
enabled in the browser, the JavaScript interpreter is too old to run
the code.

(I was grimly amused a while back when Google redid their code so
Gmail would actually work in IE 6.  I don't want to think about what
sort of kludges and work-arounds that took.  IE 6 was the *least*
standards-compliant browser in use, and Google only bit that bullet
because so many machines still used it.  Subsequent changes to Gmail
broke it again for IE 6 users, but by that point there were far less
people still trying to use IE 6.)

It's a subset of the issue that bites FreeDOS.  I don't even *try* to
browse from DOS.  Too many things just won't work.  The good part is I
don't *have* to browse from DOS, and have current browsers under
Windows and Linux that *do* work.

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