On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 11:53 -0400, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 11:34 -0400, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> > On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 14:48 -0400, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> > > Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 15:35 -0400, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> > > >> I'm not sure how I'd test it if I got it built.
> > > >
> > > > I'm working on this. I hope to have a clear answer next week. Bear with
> > > > me...
> > > >
> > > >> Overall looks really good.
> > > >
> > > > I've split up the patch into multiple commits. I've also added .update
> > > > files and a patch for ipa-kdb to feed krb5 the right user string.
> > > >
> > > > https://github.com/npmccallum/freeipa/commits/otp
> > > >
> > > > Please take a look. I *think* I've got everything worked out so far with
> > > > the exception of bug numbers / urls. Should every patch have a separate
> > > > bug and a link to the design page?
> > > 
> > > The ticket should go into every commit. I'd probably put the design link 
> > > there too, just for completeness. Future bug fixes, et all aren't going 
> > > to require the design page, but since these commits are all related to 
> > > the initial feature it will be nice to have.
> > > 
> > > You can have multiple patches on the same ticket/bug.
> > 
> > https://github.com/npmccallum/freeipa/commits/otp
> > 
> > All four commits now have bug numbers and design page links. I'm adding
> > the design page link to the tickets as we speak.
> > 
> > Remaining issues (AFAICS):
> > 1. The daemon (ipa-otpd) runs as root and binds anonymously
> > 2. ipatokenRadiusSecret is readable by an anonymous bind
> 3. ipatokenT?OTP.* are readable by an anonymous bind
> In the case of both #2 and #3, only admins should have RW. ipa-otpd
> needs read access to ipatokenRadiusSecret. The DS bind plugin below (#2)
> needs read access to ipatokenT?OTP.*.
> > Outstanding pieces:
> > 1. CLI tool -- https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3368
> > 2. DS bind plugin -- https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3367
> > 3. UI -- https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3369
> > 4. Self Service UI -- https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3370
> > 
> > #1 and #2 are within the scope of F19 and should hopefully land shortly
> > (in separate commits). #3 and #4 are probably $nextrelease.
> > 

FYI - Here is an RPM with all of the code so far:


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