2013/10/25 Martin Basti <mba...@redhat.com>:
> On Fri, 2013-10-25 at 16:48 +0200, Jérôme Fenal wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Do we have a place where we publish a daily build of the documentation?
>> I'd like to send such a link for documentation review by Red Hatters.
>> Regards,
>> J.
> Hi,
> We don't have place for it yet.
> IMHO new doc should be published after major corrections.
> There is a lot of outdated sections which are unusable for freeIPA
> 3.3.x .

I agree, but it could have the red background "Draft" stamp on it to
indicate its status.

My goal would be to have it reviewed by Red Hat SAs.

I guess I could also do something internally.


Jérôme Fenal

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