On 06/03/2015 04:10 PM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 06/02/2015 02:20 PM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
replicas installed from older versions do not have a binddn group
just accept the errror


Pushed to master: 8457edc14dade724b486540800bcdafb7d9a6f76

Note that this group will be populated later.
if you start with 4.2 the group is created and populated when the ldap principals are added to the replica as binddns. Only if you install the replica from an older version the database is initialized from the older master and it is gone. so it has to be populated later.
IMHO it should be done as a part of domain-level raise procedure before setting the new level.
It could also be populated as soon as the first 4.2 replica is installed, it doesn't require any schema changes and can be added/replicated to older serevrs as well

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