Dear All,

[r...@saprhds001 sbin]# kinit admin
Password for
[r...@saprhds001 sbin]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal:
Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
07/08/10 16:37:47  07/09/10 16:37:43  krbtgt/

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached
[r...@saprhds001 sbin]# /usr/sbin/ipa-finduser admin
There was a problem importing one of the required Python modules. The
error was:
    No module named kerberos

And when I try to restart the ipa server, the ipa_webgui service is not
shouting down and web server not working. Please advice me what went wrong?

Thanks & Regards
Shan Kumaraswamy
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