Finally Found solution.
check the file /etc/sysconfig/named and comment
And restart named service

On 09-09-2014 11:29, Tevfik Ceydeliler wrote:
Another symptom is :
[root@srv ~]# service named status
rndc: connect failed: connection refused
named dead but pid file exists

On 09-09-2014 11:00, Tevfik Ceydeliler wrote:
By the way,
When i try to ping from srv.ipa.grp cant resolve IP address.
There is same result when I try to ping srv.ipa.grp from rep.pra.grp

Is there a BIND problem?

[root@srv ~]# kinit admin
Password for ad...@ipa.grp:
[root@srv ~]# ping rep.ipa.grp
ping: unknown host rep.ipa.grp

[root@rep ~]# ping srvipa.grp
ping: unknown host srvipa.grp

On 09-09-2014 10:42, Tevfik Ceydeliler wrote:
I try to create replica to my IPA Server env.
When I try to use :

ipa-replica-prepare rep.ipa.grp --ip-address

 At the end I have an error:
[root@srv ~]# ipa-replica-prepare rep.ipa.grp --ip-address
Directory Manager (existing master) password:

Preparing replica for rep.ipa.grp from srv.ipa.grp
Creating SSL certificate for the Directory Server
Creating SSL certificate for the dogtag Directory Server
Creating SSL certificate for the Web Server
Exporting RA certificate
Copying additional files
Finalizing configuration
Packaging replica information into /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-rep.ipa.grp.gpg
Adding DNS records for rep.ipa.grp

Could not create forward DNS zone for the replica: Nameserver 'srv.ipa.grp.' does not have a corresponding A/AAAA record


Have you any idea about that? Or , is it an error? is  rep.ipa.grp (replica)
101.1.173 is srv.ipa.grp (IPA server)




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