That looks to have done the trick!  (no restart needed) thank you

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Rob Crittenden <> wrote:

> Marc Wiatrowski wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Rob Crittenden <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Marc Wiatrowski wrote:
>>         Hello,
>>         In trying to script some changes for automount locations.  I've
>>         noticed
>>         'ipa automountlocation-tofiles' doesn't seem to return
>>         everything.  As
>>         an example:
>>         $ ipa automountlocation-tofiles office | grep abg
>>         returns nothing for abg.  Yes, I have run this without the grep
>> and
>>         looked, piped everything to a file and looked. Still nothing for
>>         abg and
>>         no errors I can see.  There are several maps out of about 150
>>         that don't
>>         show up with automountlocation-tofiles.
>>         However through the web gui they're there and they're there by
>>         specifically looking for them. Also works with the clients and
>>         autofs.
>>         $ ipa automountkey-show office auto.workers --all --key abg
>>             dn:
>> description=abg,automountmapname=auto.workers,cn=office,cn=automount,dc=iglass,dc=net
>>             Key: abg
>>             Mount information: server1:/path1/workers/&
>>             description: abg
>>             objectclass: automount, top
>>         Its been easy enough to manually change the few the that don't get
>>         caught by the dump, but been wondering... Any one have an idea?
>>         ipa-admintools-3.0.0-47.el6.centos.x86_64
>>         ipa-server-3.0.0-47.el6.centos.x86_64
>>     Does auto.workers show at all?
>>     Are the ones that don't show consistent? Are they related in any way?
>>     rob
>> Thanks, rob
>> Yes auto.workers shows and lists out about 150 entries.  I was trying to
>> keep it cleaner and not inadvertently reveal something confidential by
>> not showing the whole dump.
>> Not to say there isn't, but I don't see anything making them related,
>> key or map.
>> I'll throw in there are 3 ipa servers.  Each show the same results.
> The tofiles command does some internal searches. I wonder if some of those
> are getting truncated results.
> You might try: ipa config-mod --searchrecordslimit=200
> You'll probably need to restart httpd for this new limit to take affect.
> rob
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