Hi Andreia,

Then I would guess that your error comes from the fact that you didn't rerun 
the autorecon3 at that stage for these 2 subjects. As the randomness flag 
changes the number of vertices when recreating the surfaces, that explains the 
error. So for your subjects, just rerun autorecon3 (and qcache and 
mris_anatomical_stats), and you should be fine.  But if I were you I would then 
carefully check for all my subjects that registration (i.e. autorecon3) was 
processed after autorecon2, and then qcache / mris_anatomical_stats after 
autorecon3 (my understanding is that without the randomness flag that kind of 
errors can be more difficult to trace back as the number of vertices remain the 



On May 19, 2014, at 3:55 PM, <_andre...@sapo.pt>

> BA.annot I think that was created before any problem because I had no  
> error (at least I didn't see any)  untill I extracted aparcstats2table  
> of those values. But I just checked my notes and these two subjects  
> were the only ones that gave aberrantly high LGI values when running  
> -localGI. I then went to the mailing list and I saw posts with this  
> error and it was suggested to run recon-all -autorecon2-wm -randomness  
> which at that time solved the error and lgi computation went untill  
> the end without any error.
> I have no error notes for qcache that was ran previously.
> Could I solve this issue running recon-all -autorecon2-cp/wm  
> -autorecon3 (depending on the manual edits) and running again only the  
> commands lgi and the ones to get pial surface area from Destrieux  
> (since this was the only one I ran after the lgi error)? Or would it  
> be safer to just run all commands to get BA thresholded, pial surface  
> from Desikan-Killiany and Destrieux and all the necessary ones to get  
> the stats?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Andreia
> Quoting Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>> On 05/19/2014 04:10 PM, _andre...@sapo.pt wrote:
>>> I just ran vno_match_check for all my subjects and the scenario is:
>>> *S_ubj1_*: mris_anatomical_stats -a BA.annot -t pial_lgi -f  
>>> subj1/stats/lh.BA_lgi.stats subj1 lh
>>> the warning appears: *MRISreadAnnotationIntoArray*: vertex index  
>>> out of range: 120389 i=0014C8B5, in_array_size=120388
>>> *Only for Brodman* areas, not for Desikan-killiany nor Destrieux
>>> vno_match_check: *no problem detected*!
>> vno_match_check was not checking the BA annot. I've fixed this and  
>> put a new version here:
>> ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/vno_match_check
>>> _*Subj2*_: mris_anatomical_stats -a BA.annot -t pial_lgi -f  
>>> subj1/stats/lh.BA_lgi.stats subj1 lh
>>> the warning appears for all parcellation (BA, aparc, aparc.a2009s),  
>>> but *only for the lefh hemisphere*, everything's fine with the right.
>>> vno_match_check: *erro for BOTH hemispheres*
>> Is it the the case that pial_lgi and BA.annot were created before  
>> the subject became out of synch?
>> doug
>>> These are conflicting information.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> I cannot be sure of what to do...
>>> Andreia
>>> Quoting _andre...@sapo.pt <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt>:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>> That's really bad news. So I'll check all my subjects to track the
>>>> ones who give the error. Then I'll have to run each one from scratch?
>>>> I don't quite understand what went wrong with only a few subjects
>>>> since I did (as far as I'm aware) everything in the same way for all
>>>> of them. And what worries me the most now is that I only realized
>>>> this because I wanted to extract the lgi values for the BA.thresh and
>>>> the Destrieux atlas. If I stopped at just getting the thickness, the
>>>> surface area and running qcahe as I have been doing for a while I
>>>> wouldn't have noticed any problem.
>>>> So, the hard question again: will I need to run the ones that give
>>>> this error from scratch or is there any other solution?
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Andreia
>>>> Quoting Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu  
>>>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>:
>>>>> On 05/19/2014 02:32 PM, _andre...@sapo.pt  
>>>>> <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt> wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry for all the emails..
>>>>>> Now I ran that same command on the second subject in which I only
>>>>>> detected a problem for the left hemisphere when trying to get
>>>>>> Destrieux lgi, and got this error but for both hemispheres:
>>>>>> ERROR: subj2/surf/rh.orig has 121356 vertices, subj2/surf/rh.sphere
>>>>>> has 121312 vertices
>>>>>> Is there a way to check this in all subjects at once?
>>>>> No, but you could write a little shell script to do it.
>>>>>> Does this invalidate all the measures I extracted and qcache?
>>>>> Yes, I think so
>>>>>> Andreia
>>>>>> Quoting _andre...@sapo.pt <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt>:
>>>>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>>>> I just ran that command on the first subject I referred and the  
>>>>>>> output is:
>>>>>>>> [user@localhost <mailto:user@localhost> Freesurfer]$  
>>>>>>>> vno_match_check subj lh
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.orig...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.white...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.pial...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.inflated...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.smoothwm...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.sphere...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.curv...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.sulc...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.area...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/surf/lh.thickness...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/label/lh.aparc.annot...
>>>>>>> Checking subj/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot...
>>>>>>> Pass: all surfaces and surface data for subject subj have the same
>>>>>>> number of vertices.
>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>> Andreia
>>>>>>> Quoting Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu  
>>>>>>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>:
>>>>>>>> I think it is still out of synch. Try running
>>>>>>>> vno_match_check subject lh
>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>> On 05/16/2014 01:06 PM, _andre...@sapo.pt  
>>>>>>>> <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> Only after sending the email below I noticed that now the stats
>>>>>>>>> file generated give only 0,00 were the LGI values should be, even
>>>>>>>>> though they appear in the terminal.
>>>>>>>>> How can I solve this issue? And, again, are all the measures
>>>>>>>>> (cortical thickness, surface area, aseg) invalidated? As well as
>>>>>>>>> qcache? In sum, should I run this subject all from scratch?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>>>>>>> Andreia Pereira
>>>>>>>>> Quoting _andre...@sapo.pt <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt>:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried to load the annotation and it gave an error. I look in the
>>>>>>>>>> archives and I found someone with the same problem and the advice was
>>>>>>>>>> to run:
>>>>>>>>>> recon-all -s <subject> -sd <subjects dir> -make all
>>>>>>>>>> I did that and tried to run again mris_anatomical_stats as previously
>>>>>>>>>> and still have this warning
>>>>>>>>>> subj/stats/lh.aparc_lgi.stats subj lh
>>>>>>>>>> computing statistics for each annotation in aparc.annot.
>>>>>>>>>> using thickness file pial_lgi.
>>>>>>>>>> reading volume /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//sub/mri/wm.mgz...
>>>>>>>>>> reading input surface
>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//subj/surf/lh.white...
>>>>>>>>>> reading input pial surface
>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//subj/surf/lh.pial...
>>>>>>>>>> reading input white surface
>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//subj/surf/lh.white...
>>>>>>>>>> MRISreadNewCurvature: incompatible vertex number in file
>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//subj/surf/lh.pial_lgi
>>>>>>>>>> No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>> reading colortable from annotation file...
>>>>>>>>>> colortable with 36 entries read (originally
>>>>>>>>>> /autofs/space/terrier_001/users/nicks/freesurfer/average/colortable_desikan_killiany.txt)
>>>>>>>>>> structure
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> "bankssts"
>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices     = 1160
>>>>>>>>>> total surface area     = 813 mm^2
>>>>>>>>>> total gray matter volume     =  0 mm^3
>>>>>>>>>> average cortical thickness     = 0.000 mm +- 0.000 mm
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified mean curvature     = 0.116
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.031
>>>>>>>>>> folding index      = 10
>>>>>>>>>> intrinsic curvature index      = 1.3
>>>>>>>>>> structure is "caudalanteriorcingulate"
>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices     = 810
>>>>>>>>>> total surface area     = 547 mm^2
>>>>>>>>>> total gray matter volume     =  0 mm^3
>>>>>>>>>> average cortical thickness     = 0.000 mm +- 0.000 mm
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified mean curvature     = 0.129
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.034
>>>>>>>>>> folding index      =  9
>>>>>>>>>> intrinsic curvature index      = 1.2
>>>>>>>>>> structure is "caudalmiddlefrontal"
>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices     = 4752
>>>>>>>>>> total surface area     = 3134 mm^2
>>>>>>>>>> total gray matter volume     =  0 mm^3
>>>>>>>>>> average cortical thickness     = 0.000 mm +- 0.000 mm
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified mean curvature     = 0.123
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.033
>>>>>>>>>> folding index      = 48
>>>>>>>>>> intrinsic curvature index      = 6.1
>>>>>>>>>> structure is "cuneus"
>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices     = 2701
>>>>>>>>>> total surface area     = 1667 mm^2
>>>>>>>>>> total gray matter volume     =  0 mm^3
>>>>>>>>>> average cortical thickness     = 0.000 mm +- 0.000 mm
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified mean curvature     = 0.164
>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.061
>>>>>>>>>> folding index      = 50
>>>>>>>>>> intrinsic curvature index      = 7.1
>>>>>>>>>> (...)
>>>>>>>>>> The LGI values are generated and they seem to be in the normal range
>>>>>>>>>> as all the others... I would like to know if this problem invalidates
>>>>>>>>>> all the other measures that I extracted (cortical thickness and
>>>>>>>>>> surface area from aparc and Brodmann areas, aseg stats)
>>>>>>>>>> Andreia
>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu  
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>:
>>>>>>>>>>> That probably means that the subject is out of synch. Try  
>>>>>>>>>>> viewing the
>>>>>>>>>>> subject's surface tksurfer or freeview and load the annotation.
>>>>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/14/2014 10:25 AM, _andre...@sapo.pt  
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:_andre...@sapo.pt> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I generated the lgi.stats file for all my subjects and in  
>>>>>>>>>>>> one of them
>>>>>>>>>>>> I got this warning:
>>>>>>>>>>>> mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.annot -t pial_lgi -f
>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBJ/stats/lh.aparc_lgi.stats SUBJ lh
>>>>>>>>>>>> computing statistics for each annotation in aparc.annot.
>>>>>>>>>>>> using thickness file pial_lgi.
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading volume /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/mri/wm.mgz...
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading input surface
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/lh.white...
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading input pial surface
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/lh.pial...
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading input white surface
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/lh.white...
>>>>>>>>>>>> *MRISreadAnnotationIntoArray: vertex index out of range: 150843
>>>>>>>>>>>> i=007D324B, in_array_size=150843
>>>>>>>>>>>> annot file:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/../label/lh.aparc.annot*
>>>>>>>>>>>> MRISreadAnnotationIntoArray: vertex index out of range: 150844
>>>>>>>>>>>> i=007D324B, in_array_size=150843
>>>>>>>>>>>>   annot file:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/../label/lh.aparc.annot
>>>>>>>>>>>> MRISreadAnnotationIntoArray: vertex index out of range: 150845
>>>>>>>>>>>> i=007D324B, in_array_size=150843
>>>>>>>>>>>>   annot file:
>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/user/visao/Freesurfer//SUBJ/surf/../label/lh.aparc.annot
>>>>>>>>>>>> (...)
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading colortable from annotation file...
>>>>>>>>>>>> colortable with 36 entries read (originally
>>>>>>>>>>>> /autofs/space/terrier_001/users/nicks/freesurfer/average/colortable_desikan_killiany.txt)
>>>>>>>>>>>> structure
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> "bankssts"
>>>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices             = 1139
>>>>>>>>>>>> total surface area             = 795 mm^2
>>>>>>>>>>>> total gray matter volume             = 2868 mm^3
>>>>>>>>>>>> average cortical thickness             = 3.820 mm +- 0.158 mm
>>>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified mean curvature     = 0.117
>>>>>>>>>>>> average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.031
>>>>>>>>>>>> folding index              = 10
>>>>>>>>>>>> intrinsic curvature index              = 1.3
>>>>>>>>>>>> structure is "caudalanteriorcingulate"
>>>>>>>>>>>> number of vertices             = 812
>>>>>>>>>>>> (...)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Even thought there was the warning, everything seems to be  
>>>>>>>>>>>> fine with
>>>>>>>>>>>> the lgi values, should I be concerned about this or I may just
>>>>>>>>>>>> ignore it?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andreia
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>>>>>>>>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>>>>> MGH-NMR Center
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>>>>>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>>>>>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
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>>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>>> MGH-NMR Center
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>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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>> Fax: 617-726-7422
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