You need to specify --trgsubject ico in mri_vol2surf

On 9/28/16 3:01 PM, Jared Zimmerman wrote:
> Hi All, forwarding this message along again as I'm still having some trouble 
> getting this to work.  Basically I would like to 1) project processed 
> residual time-series from the subject-space volume to the subject-space 
> surface, 2) smooth on the surface, 3) down-sample to FS4 space.
> To do this is have used bbregister to calculate the registration, then 
> mri_vol2surf to project to the surface, but I am not sure the output of 
> mri_vol2surf is what I should be expecting.  The output file has dimensions 
> 112745 x 1 x 1 x 120 when I'm expecting ~40k vertices for FS6 space and ~3k 
> vertices for FS4 space, but changing the --icoorder flag seems to have no 
> effect on the number of vertices in the output.
> I have loaded the output surface functional image into Matlab to se that 
> there is real time-series data in there, but I have no way of knowing if it 
> has mapped the data appropriately.  Additionally, I've tried to use 
> mri_surf2surf to downsample this data but have not ben able to successfully 
> get that to downsample the surface.  The mri_surf2surf call I used is as 
> follows:
> mri_surf2surf --srcsubject subjID --srcsurfval 
> /mov_dir/filtered_func_residuals_fs6_lh_6mm_noreshape.mgh --trgsubject subjID 
> --trgsurfval /mov_dir/filtered_func_residuals_fs4_lh_6mm_noreshape.mgh --hemi 
> lh --trgicoorder 4
> Any advice on how to achieve my goal of projecting to subject surfaces, 
> smoothing and downsampling to FS4, as well as recommendations on how to 
> visualize the surface functional data and confirm that the projections has 
> worked properly would be much appreciated.  Additionally, what should the 
> dimensions of a surface time series look like?  I would have expected for 
> have an nVertices x nFrames x 1 array instead of the nVertices x 1 x 1 x 
> nFrames array, is this correct?
> Thank you,
> Jared
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "Jared Zimmerman" <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 8:46:17 PM
> Subject: [Freesurfer] Projecting processed 4D functional data to individual   
> surfaces
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to project some processed resting-state data onto the surface to 
> run some surface based parcellations, and I'm running into a bit of 
> difficulty.  Basically I'm using bbregister to register my functional to the 
> T1, then mri_vol2surf to project to the surface with the following pseudocode:
> bbregister --s subjID --mov /mov_dir/subjID_example_func_brain.nii.gz \
>   --reg /mov_dir/coreg/fs_ep2struct_fsl.dat \
>   --init-fsl --bold
> mri_vol2surf --src /mov_dir/filtered_func_residuals.nii.gz \
>   --out /mov_dir/filtered_func_residuals_fs6_lh_6mm_noreshape.mgh \
>   --srcreg /coreg/fs_ep2struct_fsl.dat --hemi lh \
>   --surf white --projfrac 0.5 --icoorder 6 --fwhm 6 --out_type mgh --noreshape
> The registration looks pretty good after I run bbregister, but what I get out 
> from the mri_vol2surf seems weird.  First of all, the dimensions are 112745 x 
> 1 x 1 x 120, which seems odd. I'm forcing no reshaping, and from the help 
> page it seems like the x-dim should be 40962 for icoorder=6.  I have 120 
> frames in my input data, so that seems to be right, but I'm not sure where 
> this dimension is coming from.  I've also tried it with icoorder=4 and I get 
> the same x-dim=112745 when I'm expecting 2562.  I've also run these commands 
> with various iterations e.g. reshaping, no smoothing, no projfrac, and I get 
> the same thing every time.
> I'm also wondering how I should view these files to confirm that the surface 
> projection has worked as I expect it if/when I am able to get the dimensions 
> to be correct.  I cannot open any of the projected functional files in either 
> freeview or tksurfer, so it will be helpful to know how I might be able to 
> view these time-series on the surface after I've succeeded in projecting them 
> to that space.
> Any advice would be much appreciated
> Thanks,
> Jared
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