Hi Alan,

> I ask, how far are we in being able to completely replace the firmware
> in the lowly MD-380 and clone radios? Or, could we beef up the power in
> the 7021, already used in the project!!!!!!
That (as in running Codec2 2400A) will never happen for technical reasons.

Using an SDR it's possible to have Codec2, C4FM, D-Star, DMR and
whatever else on a single device.

There exist handheld full SDR terminals with a price point of
$800-$1000, capable of running almost everything you want up to high
speed video. Documentation is close to zero, writing software for them
would cost in the high 6 digits figures (not going to happen soon).
Said terminals will go EOL in 4-5 years as public services transition
to LTE.

If you want to try some of the new digital modes without spending a
fortune in equipment and DSP training, I suggest to invest some time
in learning GNU radio. It's the only viable alternative. I managed to
make for myself 4 types of Codec2 VHF modems using it. BPSK, QPSK,
2FSK and 4FSK. Enough to play with for a while. OP25 (a GNU radio
project) has had P25, C4FM, D-Star and DMR for a while now. Combining
them into a single, easy to use application is just a matter of time.


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