I think someone should contribute $30,000,000 to foment a schism in the
Church of the Latter Day Saints based on their internal conflicts on this

-- rec --

On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Orlando Leibovitz <

>  Owen,
> In my opinion the word marriage should not be removed. I believe that civil
> marriage should be available to all consenting adults. Various religions can
> then do as they please. If, in fact, this is a civil rights (constitutional)
> issue then religions that violate civil liberties should, at the least,  not
> have 501c3 status. I  try to understand but am not sympathetic to religious
> angst about this as I would not be if you substituted black, jew, Christian,
> etc for the word gay.
> James, I am grateful to the Quakers for many of the positions they have
> taken.
> Orlando
> James Steiner wrote:
> Consider also the relligions that have.supported and do sanctify
> same-sex marriages, without regard for, indeed in spite of, the legal
> status of such unions, e.g. the Meetings of Friends (Quakers).
> On 11/9/08, Owen Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Nov 9, 2008, at 12:09 AM, Orlando Leibovitz wrote:
> ...
>  In my opinion this is not a marriage issue, it is a civil rights
> issue.
>  And there you have the problem in a nutshell.  "Gay marriage"
> confounds the two.
> One the one hand, the word "marriage" creates considerable angst on
> gay issues within the various religions. The recent Anglican/Episcopal
> split was largely over gay marriage and gay bishops.  This is a
> complex issue where religions have to confront difficult problems
> within themselves.  And definitely a church/state boundary.
> On the other hand, gay civil rights are clear: they are being violated
> and the strictly civil rights have to be granted immediately.  "Civil
> union", however, may be a distasteful term to the gay community.
> Most of silicon valley had to deal with this within their corporate
> laws.  They all grant gay civil rights by now.  They simply had to
> change the concept of "partner" and insurance, spousal rights and so
> on were easily solved.  I don't believe religions are concerned about
> this solution.  As far as I know, the government does not object, and
> even allows for joint tax filing.
> I wonder if the word "marriage" were taken out of the equation, would
> it at least help obtain civil rights for gay couples?
>      -- Owen
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> Orlando Leibovitz
> www.orlandoleibovitz.com
> Studio Telephone: 505-820-6183
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