Sorry. Let's try again.  The link did not seem to come through for the
cognitive science paper "Computation vs. information processing: why their
difference matters to cognitive science


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Robert Wall <> wrote:

> Many would argue (eg Seth Llloyd
>> that
>> *any* process that involves changes of state is computation. Can you name a
>> "procedure for arriving at answers" that doesn't involve a series of
>> processes that change state?
> That pretty much covers it, Steven.  Very concise. It does more
> fundamentally ask the question, "Can all procedures be modeled as just
> state machines?"
> So, back to an early thought of a Turing Machine, which is a very
> simple--almost trivial--model of a computation, but this trivial device is
> capable of any computation that can be performed by any other computing
> device.
> [*Sidebar*: Is a medical procedure [protocol] as computation?  The
> objective is to get to an outcome that may not occur.  There are steps.  If
> we were to automate this "operation" with a machine, then we could easily
> think of this as a computational procedure.  Yes?]
> In the context of a *mathematical model of computation*, the other
> missing piece here seems to be the *allowable *triggers or conditions
> established for transitioning out of any particular state. That's the key
> part of any algorithm especially for determining its complexity.  Also, an
> algorithm doesn't have to be guaranteed to finish (reach an* accept state*)
> at an answer in order to be considered a procedure or algorithm, IMHO.  For
> example, nothing may guarantee that a *proper *condition will arise for
> the procedure to transition to the next logical state.  And, there are
> algorithms
> <,d.cGc>
> that cannot theoretically be determined to finish or stop. But that is
> likely not in scope of addressing the original question:
> Nick writes: I guess what I was fishing for is some sort of exploration
>> of the idea that
>> *​​not all *procedures for arriving at answers are computations.
> Okay--at the risk of just throwing a bit more confusion into the
> mix--let's ask, "Is computation the same as information processing?"  This
> may just be a semantic argument but it is a point of departure for
> cognitive scientists who make the distinction that the brain is not a
> computer. See, for example, Computation vs. information processing: why
> their difference matters to cognitive science (2010).  It is an
> interesting discussion in terms of the cognitive science concept of "
> *computationalism*" that arises in discussions of strong generalized
> artificial intelligence.
> Since the cognitive revolution, it has become commonplace that cognition
>> involves both computation and information processing. Is this one claim or
>> two? Is computation the same as information processing?
>> The two terms are often used interchangeably, but this usage masks
>> important differences. In this paper, we distinguish information processing
>> from computation and examine some of their mutual relations, shed-
>> ding light on the role each can play in a theory of cognition. We
>> recommend that theorists of cognition be explicit and careful in choosing
>> notions of computation and information and connecting them together.
> Again, this may just be a semantic argument or outside the scope of Nick's
> original query, though it is still interesting.
> Cheers,
> -R
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Stephen Guerin <
>> wrote:
>> Nick writes:
>> > I guess what I was fishing for is some sort of exploration of the idea
>> that not all procedures for arriving at answers are computations.
>> Many would argue (eg Seth Llloyd
>> that
>> *any* process that involves changes of state is computation. Can you name a
>> "procedure for arriving at answers" that doesn't involve a series of
>> processes that change state?
>> -S
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