Oui....ca m'arrange pas cela.....
Si au moins wanadoo/oragne publiait du SPF....ca aiderai....

Est-ce que qqn a une expérince bonne avec SPF ?

Le 24/11/06 9:38, « Michel Arboi » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On Fri Nov 24 2006 at 08:49, Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
>> Normalement, mais je me souviens plus de la RFC... le ehlo doit être
>> un FQDN valide qui pointe soit sur un A, soit sur un MX avec
>> évidement un PTR associé.
> Je n'avais pas lu la suite du RFC 2821 § 4.1.4 :
>    The SMTP client MUST, if possible, ensure that the domain parameter
>    to the EHLO command is a valid principal host name (not a CNAME or MX
>    name) for its host.  If this is not possible (e.g., when the client's
>    address is dynamically assigned and the client does not have an
>    obvious name), an address literal SHOULD be substituted for the
>    domain name and supplemental information provided that will assist in
>    identifying the client.
>    An SMTP server MAY verify that the domain name parameter in the EHLO
>    command actually corresponds to the IP address of the client.
>    However, the server MUST NOT refuse to accept a message for this
>    reason if the verification fails: the information about verification
>    failure is for logging and tracing only.

Sebastien Gioria    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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