I have not read Ehrlich though I vaguely recall hearing about his book when
it came out.

I would of course agree with your position that workers get only a fraction
of what their labor is worth.

It is also true, I believe, that the current productive capacity of the
world in food and other necessities of life could support the present
population in modest comfort.

Having said that, I believe that we cannot sustain indefinite population
growth, and that humanity and the environment would all be better off with a
much lower population. Estimates of the optimum human population range
between one-half billion and two billion. I most often cite Isaac Asimov's
figure of one billion, for no better reason than that I am an inveterate
science fiction reader.

Of course the best way to reduce population is to increase the standard of

Victor Milne

FIGHT THE BASTARDS! An anti-neoconservative website
at http://www3.sympatico.ca/pat-vic/pat-vic/

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