At 07:32 AM 10/11/97 -1000, Jay Hanson wrote:
>At 09:14 AM 11/9/97 -0800, Colin Stark wrote:
>>>See "Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer" at:
>>We at Canadians for Direct Democracy (CDD) have a different, and, we think,
>>more practical viewpoint.
>>A vast amount of the abuse of our governments/governance systems stems from
>>lack of accountability to ANYONE
>I agree.  The accountability issue arises because of
>the inherent unwillingness of humans to face reality.
>If a politician knows the truth, and tells the truth,
>he or she can not get elected.  
>Thus, one can only elect idiots or liars. The ideas of
>government by popularity contest and accountability
>are mutually exclusive.
>Jay --

Perhaps it goes further.  The idea of government itself is a series of
idiotic exercises that only liars and opportunists can relate to.  Why worry
about whether the business of corporate or state capitalism of government is
mutually exclusive or not.  Do you really believe that this type of human
association  adn control can really can benefit society in the coming years
of crisis and decision????  Direct democracy means that a new and real
participation by people 
can be a reality, but we must end wage slavery and capitalist greed and
power first.


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