Harry Pollard wrote:
> The car industry doesn't "prefer" to sell "12-20 mpg rolling
> fortresses because they (and their buddies in the oil
> industry) can make much higher profits that way."
> It can sell only what people want - otherwise they go broke.

On the contrary... the profit margin for SUVs is up to $15,000 per car,
compared to a few hundred bucks for a "normal" car.  So much money for
such cheapo and unsafe trash.  That's why all car manufacturers jumped
on the SUV bandwagon -- not to go broke! (Market competition, you know.)
There are even Porsche SUVs -- basically an oxymoron, one would have thought.

> It's called the market.

Yeah, eh.  Guess what's the purpose of advertising ?
Image is everything.  Lemmings buy what the ads are pushing.

> As gas prices rise, the consumer is beginning to look
> askance at the behemoths. So, the car industry will have to
> sell smaller or more economical cars.

The SUV arms race on the roads will prevent that.  A few SUVs on
the roads are enough -- and people will grab for the ever-bigger
calibres of rolling fortresses, for fear of being crushed.

As for gas prices, the empire will see to it that they won't rise too much.
That's what all the fuss since Gulf War I is about.


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