
In the Nuremburg trials of the future, instead of "just following orders" a crime will be "company policy."


I still think the great part about capitalism
is "the invisible fist" which crushes
many, but, unlike most other
forms of social organization, there
is no person or persons to blame -- you
know: "I had to let you go.....


"company policy"

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad McCormick, Ed.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2003 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Why men succeed at work

> One reason that women might not do as well as men in a capitalistic
> society is that the goals don't make any sense to them.

But doesn't this apply to some men, too?

The goals don't make sense to me, either.  But
school was good practice.

I still think the great part about capitalism
is "the invisible fist" which crushes
many, but, unlike most other
forms of social organization, there
is no person or persons to blame -- you
know: "I had to let you go or else the
company would go bankrupt and then
nobody would have a job", etc.

Cyclops: "Who put out my eye?"
Odysseus: "Nemo did!" (translate" "No one did!")
Cyclops's friends: "Who hurt you, friend?"
Cyclops: "Nemo hurt me!" (translate: "No one hurt me!")
Cyclops's friends among themselves: "Guess he's OK
             after all.  We say the strangest things
Chorus of Cyclopses: "You're right, there, brother!"
Random member of Cyclops Chorus: "OK, friends,
             since our brother is OK,
             Where do we want to go today?"

\brad mccormick

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