On 5/27/20 4:58 PM, Thomas Adam wrote:
On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 04:41:08PM -0500, peter g wrote:
Hi Everyone:

i have a frustrating issue with fvwm and casting from google's chrome, that
maybe somebody has a workaround for.

Normally, under any other WM i've tried (and also on windows), in the chrome
browser, choosing "Cast", will pop up a small window that asks the user what
device to cast to. Unfortunately in fvwm that little window with those
options does not show up.

I've tried both with my config, but also with a very fvwm config such as:
key c  A CM FvwmConsole
key r  A CM Restart
Key u  A CM Exec xterm

If anyone has a work around, that would be much appreciated, as casting, for
better or worse, is very useful to me.
Well, if it's a transient window, it will (by default) popup along side the
parent window.  That said, you can try:

     BugOpts ExplainWindowPlacement On

in your ~/.fvwm2rc file, and monitor stderr to see what FVMM thinks of your
missing window.

Thanks, I've tried that.

Doesn't show anything (I know that option is working, as I get the debug info for other windows). As pointed out in another email, that "cast" window might indeed be a chrome internal window... what bothers me though, is why it shows up in other window managers.


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