Hi Arié

Arié Bénichou wrote:
I don't understand why you did not use  http://xyster.libreworks.net/ Xyster
ORM It makes use of the Data Mapper Pattern and comes with a Unit of Work.
Doctrine is shifting to this approach for the version 2.0, but it's still an
alpha release.

If you'd like integration for Xyster, write a proposal for it.

It's a pity for you to have failed this way, because, Doctrine is associated
to SensioLabs, the french agency who developps the Symfony Framework.
And Sensio is the devil...? What's your point? Let alone the fact that Doctrine is simply open source (LGPL) and whatever company would be behind it wouldn't make any difference? Also, check your facts, because what you say isn't even true.

drm / Gerard

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