Hi everybody, it seems that this thread went quite off topic.

I'm quite disappointed by the decision to discontinue the development of
a Data Mapper for the Zend Framework. I read this thread and agree with most
of the reasons against building a new one and waiting for the release
of Doctrine2.

But AFAIK Doctrine2 is for PHP 5.3 hence excluding the great userbase
of the Zend Framework for PHP 5 could not benefit of a persistence api
for the Zend Framework.
That's pity. It's not always possible to use the cutting-edge release
of PHP. Say Doctrine2 will
be stable in 14 months, do you think every hosting provider on the
plan will have done the leap
to PHP 5.3 then? I don't think so.

IMHO it's awful to discontinue this great project and wait for
Doctrine2 to be realeased and
integrated with the Zend Framework, there're people who need a Data
Mapper now (me included!)

I've been building a poor-man metadata mapper these days, it doesn't
implement the JSR220 specs
but it works. You know, building a data mapper is not my primary
concern when working.

By the way I'm a kind of abstraction addicted and quite bigot about
objects, so I started reading
the JSR220 Java Persistent Api specifications, but I don't want to
clutter the simple data mapper
I've written, and instead spending my spare time implementing a JPA
compliant data mapper.

I could try to continue developing what started by Benjamin.

Just a side note: I know the Reflection API limitation for non-public
properties in PHP prior to 5.3,
and I really don't want to break encapsulation by using specific
methods that must be inherited by
entities from a non domain-specific class.

So I was wondering about using serialization to break the
encapsulation and retrieve properties value.
Could it be a viable solution?


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