On Sun, 2008-09-07 at 15:39 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think these are things to consider when
> cobbling together a solid state boot drive with X.
  You have it exactly right.  If your only disk drive is a solid state
one, my first choice would be to add enough memory that you won't need
virtual memory.  Then, I would disable virtual memory.  I have not done
that in OSX, but I have on Linux systems.  I assume it is possible on
OSX.  My second choice would be to use a commercial solid state drive,
not just an adapter and cf cards.  My third choice would be to setup a
system using an adapter and industrial grade CF cards, but not store
anything important directly on the computer.  This third case would let
you play with it cheaply, and if you are lucky and get a good CF card,
it will last a while.
Good luck,

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