At 10:37 PM -0400 10/16/2008, insightinmind wrote:
>  >
>>  dig
>>  traceroute
>didn't understand what you wanted above ... a Google 
>Search with "dig" and a speed test on Speakeasy?

No.  I wanted the above two commands typed into Terminal, then 
provide the results here.

The dig command tests your DNS servers; the domain being looked up 
can be anything.  The traceroute shows me the path between you and 
Speakeasy, with timings at each step.  With that information, we can 
usually figure out where the slow-down is occurring... then decide 
how to approach fixing it.

Those are essentially the same types of tests that the Verizon tech 
ran.  But he's concerned with only your connectivity within Verizon's 
network.  I want to examine the whole picture -- the path through the 
network, through Verizon's network, into your home, into your Mac.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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