At 6:07 PM -0800 1/4/09, aussieshepsrock wrote:
>Emergency Technical Question!
>Does the Original Poster's Sawtooth Mac have a Hard Drive Size or
>Partition Size limitation of some sort that he/she needs to consider?

Since it's an external (Firewire) drive, there's no problem. The 128 
gig limit is from the machine's ATA bus.  The drive is mounted on the 
external FW box's bus, which can handle big honkin' drives.

At 9:05 PM -0600 1/4/09, D Stubbs wrote:
>Here's the specs I showed on my original post
>Sawtooth 500Mhz
>1280Mb  Memory
>160G (128)  Seagate HD
>FW400 OWC 500G External HD
>So it seems to me I have plenty of ram at 1280Mb , no?

1280 mb of RAM will do you fairly well.  The general rule with OSX is 
that more is better.  I believe the fellow from OZ misread that as 
"128" instead of "1280"

>The HD shown has the 128G limit because it is a Sawtooth...
>I have it divided into 3 partitions, of approx size...
>40G for 10.4 System
>5G for OS9.2
85G for Files

So I'd match the partition sizes to what you have, so you don't waste 
space on your backup drive.

40 gig for 10.4 System BU
5 gig for OS9.2 BU
all the rest for other backups and files.

No sense in making your backup partition 50 gig if what it's backing 
up can't ever grow beyond 40, now does it?   Unless you expect OSX to 
go into serious bloat mode in the near future.

Bill Christensen

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