Hi Wallace, thank you for your help, here's the info:

What file system were they formatted in?
   They are in Journaled HFS+

Do you shut it down regularly with no similar problem?

Have you mounted them to any other machines recently?

Have you installed any new software or updates recently that may have files
in startup or shutdown folders?

No, I started to install Flash 10, but did not get through the process
because this requires OS X 10.4 or greater.  I hope this is helpful.  One
other thing, when I booted up before this problem, the computer got stuck at
the grey apple screen, sat there for over 10 minutes so I had to hard
restart it.

> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Ken W <ken...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am running a PowerMac G4 dual 450 with OS X 10.3.9.  I have 2 external
>> firewire hard drives, a LaCie 80 GB and a LaCie 750 GB.  The 750 has 3
>> partitions.  Everything was working great, but I powered off my computer
>> today and now when I rebooted the 80 GB is unmounted, and 2 of the 3
>> partitions on the 750 are unmounted.  Disk Utility can see these unmounted
>> drives/ partitions, but can not mount them.
>> What the heck?  I am not that technical with this kind of stuff.

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