On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Ken W 
<<mailto:ken...@gmail.com>ken...@gmail.com> wrote:


I am running a PowerMac G4 dual 450 with OS X 10.3.9.  I have 2 
external firewire hard drives, a LaCie 80 GB and a LaCie 750 GB.  The 
750 has 3 partitions.  Everything was working great, but I powered 
off my computer today and now when I rebooted the 80 GB is unmounted, 
and 2 of the 3 partitions on the 750 are unmounted.  Disk Utility can 
see these unmounted drives/ partitions, but can not mount them.

What the heck?  I am not that technical with this kind of stuff.

I ran into similar problems with a G3 iMac in OS X. I found that 
rebooting into OS 9 to mount the partitions worked to make them 
visible in OS X.

Steve R

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