On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Ken W <ken...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Wallace, thank you for your help, here's the info:
> What file system were they formatted in?
>    They are in Journaled HFS+
> Do you shut it down regularly with no similar problem?
>     Yes
> Have you mounted them to any other machines recently?
>   No
> Have you installed any new software or updates recently that may have files
> in startup or shutdown folders?
> No, I started to install Flash 10, but did not get through the process
> because this requires OS X 10.4 or greater.  I hope this is helpful.  One
> other thing, when I booted up before this problem, the computer got stuck at
> the grey apple screen, sat there for over 10 minutes so I had to hard
> restart it.
> _____________________________________________________________________

On this page is a grey screen link. check it out;


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