On Apr 27, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

> I'm tempting the LEM "endless idiotic UPS thread" curse here, but one
> of the best investments you can ever make for your computer system is
> a good, professional-grade uninterruptible power system, one that also
> conditions the power (you'll spend $120-$400 for one of these)
> Completely aside from the issue of protecting against power surges,
> they provide clean, design-spec power to the system.
> Electricity is the fuel for a computer, clean fuel == fewer problems.
> I've seen them work over 15 years as an IT professional.

Bruce, I second this.

My G4 has been running nonstop with no problems at all since early  
2002. Sleep thing is the only trouble it has had (except for broken  
fan the first year under warranty). I have always had it connected to  
an UPS, usually APC. Buy a new one every couple years when the battery  
goes. (Not worth it to ship a battery methinks.)

Been telling my son not to download every mini app under the sun. I  
will make him read your whole post.

Thank you!

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

Intel iMac 2.66gHz Core 2 Duo
2GB RAM, 264GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.6


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