On Jun 7, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Brian Rule wrote:

> Thanks again for all the help.  The quicksilver has been up and
> running  since Wednesday, I just got iLife installed yesterday.  The
> only issue now seems to be the older drive I'm trying to install from
> my old B&W.  I set it up as a slave drive with newer drive as the
> master.  The drive is recognized and I can mount it, but when I've
> tried to boot into Tiger, which is installed on the slave, I get
> kernel panics.
> Is it just not possible to boot from a slave?
> Brian

Might ask if this Tiger partition was from an installation on the  
B&W ... Maybe it doesn't contain everything needed to run in the QS?  
I've moved partitions like this from a QS 2002 to a Yikes! (and even  
to a PPC 8500 adding Xpostfacto), and it seems to be working ... but  
I'm booting from a Master or Cable Select, IIRC.

Wait for someone else's response ... I'm thinking out loud here ...

Bill Connelly
artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

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